Archive for the ‘RESTRUCTURING’ Tag


i remember when Mitt Romney came to town.   The first time he came to MA to make his mark, he ran against the Kennedy legacy.   He tried, unsuccessfully, to unseat the Prince of the Bay State who through no fault of his own is the sole heir to the immediate family legacy of his rock-star brothers.   After losing to Teddy, he successfully became governor of the state against all odds and a one-party legislature.

Mitt’s public record isn’t the focus today.   i’m more interested in the irony of the campaign against him.   At the time it was a very real assault on the man’s character that he had amassed his fortune as a Hatchet Man.   For those of you who don’t know what that is; see pretty woman.   The essence of what a Hatchet Man does is saving or liquidating failing businesses by breaking them up and selling assets and/or making the smaller parts more productive and salvageable.   By all accounts he was quite good at it.

Of course, being good at that sort of thing requires an obligatory ideological and ad hominim attack from the left.   Mitt was portrayed as an enemy of the ‘regular guy’ and of the ‘middle class’ and of unions because of the residual effect restructuring has on labor contracts.   Say what you want about that.   You might be inclined to agree or disagree – it doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that if you are opposed to people like Mitt because they “side” with business owners at the expense of their workers (not customers) you must be deeply troubled – or at least conflicted.

No doubt you voted for and are in deep support of President Obama.   Notice something though if you haven’t already: 

he is the new Hatchet Man.